Sunday, March 8, 2009


So for the past week I have been in Utah visiting my sister and some good friends. Oh how nice it was to get away from the small town in Missouri. Chelsey and me have had the best time just being around eachother. She has showed me the REAL college life. I even went to my very first class where we learned about Russia. Yeah it was not for me thats for sure. I have also got to see my favorite married couple , Amy and Jodi! Gosh I just felt right at home again.. I think we all get nervous to see eachother just cause we go months without seeing one another but it always picks right back up.. Me and chels even went down to there new place in Spanish Fork to help them paint.. Me and Chelsey were laughing as we were trying to show off our skills in the painting department. It has been the best trip. I am going to be a little sad leaving because it has been the break I needed just to relax. I loved every minute of it


Travis and Liz said...

That sounds like a fun trip!!!

marshall memories said...

I don't think those pictures could be any better of me! haha..i look a mess! Hope your doing great and wish you were still here!!!

Turning 21